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ProVention Publications |
Latest publications
- Tools for Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction: Guidance Notes for Development Organisations [Arabic]
- Outils d’intégration de la réduction des risques de catastrophes: Notes d'orientation à l'intention des organisations de développement
- Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction into Development: Challenges and Experience in the Philippines
- Herramientas para la integración de la reducción del riesgo de desastres: Notas de orientación para organizaciones de desarrollo
- Disaster Risk Reduction - cases from Urban Africa
- From Risk to Resilience - Benefits and Costs of Disaster Risk Reduction
- Responding to earthquakes 2008 - Learning from earthquake relief and recovery operations
- ProVention Forum 2008 - From Grassroots to Global: People Centered Disaster Risk Reduction
- La réduction des risques de catastrophes naturelles en Afrique de l'Ouest et en Afrique Centrale / Disaster risk reduction in West and Central Africa
- The Oslo Policy Forum on Changing the Way We Develop: Dealing with Disasters and Climate Change
- Workshop on Climate Change Adaptation, Development and Disaster Risk Reduction - Strengthening Community Resilience in the Caribbean Region
- ProVention annual report 2007
- Flood disasters: Learning from previous relief and recovery operations
- Red Cross/Red Crescent Climate Guide
- Working with the Winds of Change. Towards Strategies for Responding to the Risks Associated with Climate Change and other Hazards
- Young Researcher Project Briefs - Applied Research Grants Program - Rounds I & II (2003-2006)
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Applied Research Grants Program for Disaster Reduction - Rounds I & II (2003-2006) - Asia |
Content: | Innovative Initiatives in Disaster Risk Reduction - Applied Research by Young Practitioners from South, South East and East Asia Exploring ways to encourage a new generation of actors to lead disaster risk reduction initiatives in developing countries, the ProVention Consortium launched a Programme of Applied Research Grants for Disaster Risk Reduction in 2002 and conducted a second round of grants in 2005. Globally, more than 100 small grants (USD 5000 or less) have been awarded for 6-9 months of applied research on disaster risk reduction. Over the two rounds, ADPC managed grants for East Asia & the Pacific and South Asia. This publication presents information and results of a selection of projects primarily from round two, which were presented at a workshop in Bangkok in December 2006. For more information on the ProVention Grants Programme, click here. |
Organisation: | Asian Disaster Preparedness Center |
Details: | pdf, 5.9MB |
Language: | English |
- Slow-onset disasters: drought and food and livelihoods insecurity – Learning from previous relief and recovery responses
- Investigating urban risk accumulation in six countries in Africa
- Strengthening the Social Analysis Component in Rapid Impact and Vulnerability Assessment
- East Africa Forum on Local Perspectives on Disaster Risk Reduction
- South African Forum on Local Perspectives on Disaster Risk Reduction
- Rencontre Régionale: "Initiatives locales sur la réduction des risques de catastrophe en Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre"
- ProVention Forum 2007 - Making Disaster Risk Reduction Work
- Tools for Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction: Guidance Notes for Development Organisations
- ProVention annual report 2006
- Diálogo Comunitario sobre Agua y Clima
- Sistema de Alerta Temprana de Inundaciones en Cuencas Menores
- Inundaciones
- Manejo de Albergues Temporales
- Mantenimiento Comunitario de Escuelas
- Applied Research Grants for Disaster Reduction II - Europe and Central Asia
- Applied Research Grants for Disaster Reduction II - Latin America & the Caribbean
- Prevención de Desastres en Acueductos Rurales
- Let Our Children Teach Us!
- Natural Disaster Hotspots Case Studies
- Disaster prevention: a role for business?
- Disaster Insurance for the Poor? A review of microinsurance for natural disaster risks in developing countries
- ProVention Forum 2006 - Incentives For Reducing Risk
- ProVention annual report 2005
- Invest to prevent disasters - Viewpoint
- 2nd International Work Conference on Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction
- South Asia Earthquake 2005 - Learning from previous earthquake relief operations
- South Asia Earthquake 2005 - Learning from previous recovery operations
- International Workshop on Community Risk Assessment
- Exploring private sector involvement in flood disaster risk reduction in Sudan
- Learning Lessons from Disaster Recovery: The Case of Mozambique
- Learning Lessons from Disaster Recovery: The Case of Bangladesh
- Natural Disaster Hotspots: A Global Risk Analysis
- Surviving Disasters and Supporting Recovery: A Guidebook for Microfinance Institutions
- Thirty Years of Natural Disasters: 1974-2003: The Numbers
- Integrating disaster reduction into development: recommendations for policy-makers
- 'Measuring Mitigation': Methodologies for assessing natural hazard risks and the net benefits of mitigation - A scoping study / Synthesis report
- 'Measuring Mitigation': Methodologies for assessing natural hazard risks and the net benefits of mitigation - A scoping study
- Preventable Losses: Saving Lives and Property through Hazard Risk Management - A Comprehensive Risk Management Framework for Europe and Central Asia
- Solidarity and Opportunity: The Potential of Insurance for Disaster Risk Management in Developing Countries, Conference proceedings and workshop report
- Workshop: Social Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis, Discussion paper and workshop report
- Global Symposium for Hazard Risk Reduction, Lessons Learned from the Applied Research Grants for Disaster Risk Reduction Program
- Learning Lessons from Disaster Recovery: The Case of Honduras
- Understanding the Economic and Financial Impacts of Natural Disasters
- Guidelines for Vulnerability Reduction in the Design of New Health Facilities
- Protecting New Health Facilities from Natural Disasters: Guidelines for the Promotion of Disaster Mitigationin the Design of New Health Facilities
- Building Safer Cities - The Future of Disaster Risk
- Malawi and Southern Africa: Climatic Variability and Economic Performance
- Manual para la evaluación del impacto socioeconómico y ambiental de los desastres
- Handbook for Estimating the Socio-Economic and Environmental Effects of Disasters
- Microfinance and Disaster Risk Management: Experiences and Lessons Learned
- The Quality and Accuracy of Disaster Data: A Comparative Analyses of Three Global Data Sets
- Catastrophes and Development, Integrating Natural Catastrophes into Development Planning
- The Last Straw: Integrating Natural Disaster Mitigation with Environmental Management
- Bangladesh: Disasters and Public Finance
- Vulnerability of Infrastructure to Climate Variability: How Does This Affect Infrastructure Lending Policies?
- Doing More for Those Made Homeless by Natural Disasters
- Dominica: Natural Disasters and Economic Development in a Small Island State
- Inundaciones en el Area Metropolitana de Buenos Aires