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Research & learning |
The current process through which knowledge of disaster risk is being generated, transferred and translated into action is increasingly being challenged, in particular by academics and practitioners from developing countries. Despite the enormous volume of knowledge and learning on disaster risk reduction which has been generated over the last decades, it must be said that the translation into action has often remained limited. Many observers therefore urge that the disaster risk reduction community should encourage a more effective, action-oriented and user-driven approach to risk knowledge management, research and learning. This can be done through strengthening southern-based academic centres and applied research; enhanced south-south learning and efforts to close the gap between academic theory and field-level practice.
Key issues & gaps
- The generation of knowledge and learning in the field of natural hazards and disaster risk reduction has generally been dominated by academics and research centres from the north. Moreover, the methods through which research findings are being fed back and knowledge transferred to southern end users are often far from effective. Increased support for strengthening local applied research and knowledge sharing capacities in developing countries or for promoting south-south collaboration may contribute to address this problem.
- There is often also a limited interaction between those who produce scientific knowledge and learning and the potential end-users, such as practitioners. The methods and means of which much knowledge on risk is currently presented and disseminated, such as articles in academic journals or large monographs, is in most cases not suitable nor accessible to those who need this most. There is therefore a crucial need to develop more accessible knowledge, learning and information targeted at practitioners in developing countries.
- The multi-disciplinary nature of risk research and learning further complicates effective sharing of knowledge and application. A broad range of scientific disciplines, both from the natural and social sciences, currently contribute to the generation of knowledge on hazard, vulnerability and risk. Combining this information into a message which is comprehensible for both decision-makers and practitioners has often proved challenging.
Links and resources
Grants programmes
- ProVention Applied Research Grants for Disaster Risk Reduction
- GEF Small Grants Programme, UNDP
- Funding opportunities for NGOs, CBOs and researchers
Training initiatives and capacity building
- UNISDR/UNDP/OCHA Capacity for Disaster Reduction Initiative
- IIASA's Summer Programme for Young Scientists
- UNU-EHS & Munich Re Foundation Summer Academy on Social Vulnerability
- World Bank Institute Natural Disaster Risk Management Programme
- University Network for Disaster Risk Reduction in Africa (UNeDRA)
- Periperi U - platform for university partnership to reduce disaster risks in Africa
- UNDP Capacity Development website
- - Homepage for the website and journal of the European Centre for Development Policy Management
- NATO training course: "Spatial Planning as a Strategy for Mitigation and Adaptation to Natural Hazards"
Education for disaster risk reduction and school safety
- Edu3DRR: Social network by and for teachers who want to make a difference in disaster prevention
- Natural Disaster Preparedness and Education for Sustainable Development, UNESCO Bangkok, 2007
- Stop Disasters - A disaster simulation game from the UN/ISDR
- 2006-2007 World Disaster Reduction Campaign: "Disaster risk reduction begins at school"
- UN/ISDR Education Cluster webpage
- "Let Our Children Teach Us! - A review of the Role of Education and Knowledge in Disaster Risk Reduction", publication prepared by Professor Ben Wisner for the ISDR System’s cluster on Knowledge and Education for Disaster Risk Reduction, August 2006 [pdf, 2.7MB]
- Lessons for Life: Building a culture of safety and resilience to disasters through schools, a briefing paper by ActionAid
- Coalition for Global School Safety (COGSS) webpage
- SARAIDs Global Schools Project webpage
- Risk RED: Risk Reduction Education for Disasters webpage
- Interagency Network for Education in Emergencies webpage
- New MA in Disasters Adaptation and Development at King's College
- UN/ISDR Disaster risk reduction information platform, concept paper for consultation, October 2005