Recent Additions
- Characteristics of a Disaster-resilient Community
- Case studies and a Hotspots online mapping application now complement the earlier work of Natural Disaster Hotspots: A Global Risk Analysis published by the World Bank in 2005.
- Community Risk Assessment (CRA) toolkit
- 2005 disasters in numbers. CRED.
Related Projects
- African Urban Risk Analysis Network (AURAN)
- Community based Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment (VCA) in Central America
- Community Risk Assessment and Climate Adaptation Tools
- Global Risk Identification Programme
- Identification and Analysis of Global Disaster Risk Hotspots
- Tools for Community Risk Assessment and Action Planning
- Mainstreaming
- Risk Analysis
- Recovery
- Risk Transfer & Private Sector
- Research & Learning
- Cost benefit analysis
- ProVention Publications
- Partner Libraries & Resources Centres
- Community Risk Assessment Toolkit
- Other resources
- Monitoring & Evaluation
- Characteristics of a Resilient Community
- Climate Change Adaptation
- Videos
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Risk Analysis |
Improving risk identification and analysis
Improving the analysis and identification of risk is crucial in order to provide critical information for risk reduction policy-making and help prioritise risk reduction investments. Indeed, accurate, comparable and appropriately scaled information on disaster losses, hazards, vulnerabilities and risks at the different spatial levels is fundamental for designing and implementing effective policies and programs that reduce disaster risk.
Significant progress has been made by the international community in recent years in improving the quality and accuracy of global disaster data collection, in developing indicators and indexes of disaster risk and in developing tools and methods for assessing disaster risk at the different spatial levels.
This section aims to document the key resources available in the field of risk analysis and application developed by the ProVention Consortium and our partners.
A key aspect of ProVention’s work to date has been to improve the analysis and identification of risk in order to provide critical information for risk reduction policy-making and help prioritise risk reduction investments. At a global level, ProVention’s support in developing the Disaster Risk Hotspots Analysis has made a major contribution in this area and will be followed up by applying this global analysis through the Global Risk Identification Programme (GRIP), a major new initiative co-led by UNDP, which will improve the quality, availability and access to analysis, data and information on natural hazard risks.
Key issues & gaps
- There is a need to further improve loss estimation data to provide a more comprehensive and accurate accounting of disaster-related costs (eg, economic losses, relief costs etc.).
- Risk estimation could be further improved to enhance the availability of information and analysis on disaster risk (eg. hazard characterisation and data, vulnerability assessments, risk indexes).
- Local participatory risk assessment information needs to be integrated in risk assessments at the sub-national and national levels.
- The current practice of community risk assessment could be improved further through linking pre- and post-disaster assessments, promoting more holistic approaches, linking assessments with action planning and application, etc.
Resources available on this website:
Damage and Reconstruction Needs
- Handbook for Estimating the Socio-Economic and Environmental Effects of Disasters, United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, 2003
- World Bank damage and needs assessment reports: Sample Damage and Needs Assessment Reports
Damage, Needs and Relief Requirements
- Guidelines for emergency assessment. International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, October 2005 [PDF, 1.2 - 3MB] English | French | Spanish | Arabic
- Disaster Assessment and Response. USAID Field Operations Guide [PDF, 0.9MB]
- Disaster Assessment. UN Disaster Assessment and Coordination Field Handbook, Chapter E [PDF, 0.1MB]
- Guide to Disaster Assessment. UN Disaster Management Training Program [PDF, 0.7MB]
- Post-Disaster Damage and Needs Analysis. Asian Disaster Preparedness Center [PDF, 0.1MB]
- A Guide to Successful Damage and Needs Assessment. South Pacific Reduction Programme [PDF, 0.8MB]
- Rapid Appraisal Survey Form - Example. UNHCR. 1999 [PDF, 0.06MB]
- The Listening Project. CDA. 2005 [PDF, 0.1MB]
- Community Damage Assessment and Demand Analysis, AIDMI, October 2005 [PDF, 4.5 MB]
- Participatory Urban Food and Nutrition Security Assessment Process, AIDMI & FAO, September 2004 [PDF, 2.4 MB]
- The Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards have been developed as a set of international standards and guidelines for the assessment, design, implementation and evaluation of livestock interventions to assist people affected by humanitarian crises.
Disaster Data Resources
- Relief costs: OCHA Financial Tracking Service
- Disaster databases: EM-DAT; Desinventar ; inTERRAgate; Maplecroft ; UNDP/UNEP Disaster Risk Index
- GLobal IDEntifier Number (GLIDE)
- Inter-comparison and validation of loss estimates (global and national):
The quality and accuracy of disaster data, a comparative analyses of three global data sets. Debarati Guha-Sapir, Regina Below. CRED - Comparative Analysis of Disaster Databases, final report, submitted to working group 3: risk, vulnerability and impact assessment. La Red [PDF, 2.6MB]
Risk assessment reports
- Natural Disaster Hotspots, A Global Risk Analysis. World Bank. 2005. Natural Disaster Hotspots Case Studies. World Bank. 2006. Hotspots online mapping application (World Bank website)
- Reducing Disaster Risk, A Challenge for Development [PDF, 3.9MB]. UNDP. 2004
- Indicators of Disaster Risk and Risk Management. Inter-American Development Bank. 2005 [PDF, 0.7MB]
- Vision of Risk, A Review of International Indicators of Disaster Risk and its Management. A Report for the ISDR Inter-Agency Task force on Disaster Reduction Working Group 3: Risk, Vulnerability and Disaster Impact Assessment. ISDR/UNDP. 2004 [PDF, 2.3MB]
On-line disaster risk resources
- Preview. (UNEP-GRID)
- NATural Hazards Assessment Network. Munich Re
- Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System
- Reliefweb
- African Geo Information Reseacher Network
- NASA’s hurricane resource page
- SAHIMS Southern Africa Humanitarian & Disaster Management GIS Library
Community risk assessment
- A Community Risk Assessment (CRA) toolkit has recently been posted on the ProVention website. The Toolkit contains methodological resources from many different organisations and case studies. Guidance notes have been developed which provides a detailed analysis and brief synthesis of case studies and methodologies. The CRA Toolkit has recently been completed with a search tool, a glossary, and a selection of key links to community based disaster risk management and participation materials. Intended users of the Toolkit are international NGOs and their partner organisations, local government staff, risk researchers and community based organisations, active in developmental and/or humanitarian work.
- Characteristics of a Disaster-resilient Community’: guidance note for government and civil society organisations working on DRR initiatives at community level.
Food security assessment
- How to conduct a food security assessment A step-by-step guide for National Societies in Africa - International Federation of Red Cross & Red Crescent Societies [PDF, 3.5MB English] [PDF, 3.6MB French]
- Mini-manual - For understanding and assessing households’ risk of food shortage. FEWS NET [PDF, 0.1MB]
- Vulnerability Assessment and Mapping. World Food Programme
- Community Food Security Assessment Toolkit. US Department of Agriculture [PDF, 0.8MB]
- The Household Economy Approach. Save The Children (UK)
- The Food Economy Approach: a framework for understanding rural livelihoods, HPN Network Paper 26 by Tanya Boudreau