Corporate social responsibility and disaster reduction


On 30 August 2006, ProVention hosted a session entitled 'Disaster prevention: a role for business?' at the International Disaster Reduction Conference (IDRC 2006) in collaboration with Maplecroft, the World Economic Forum, UN/ISDR and Munich Re.

The research study on the business case for disaster prevention is now available for download.


Strengthening linkages with the wider private sector remains a high priority for ProVention with an aim to increase busines involvement and investment in disaster risk management. Here, ProVention is working with the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the International Business Leaders Forum (IBLF) to bring a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) perspective to disaster reduction and help build a better business case. While the corporate sector has developed strong CSR links with the humanitarian community on disaster response, involvement in mitigation and prevention has been limited.

ProVention, therefore, initiated a research study on the business case for reducing natural hazard risks in developing countries. The research was undertaken by Maplecroft, a leading CSR research group working with the World Economic Forum.


The project focuses on the business case for private sector involvement in disaster reduction in developing countries, and how the growing interests of business in philanthropy and CSR can be harnessed to contribute to disaster reduction as well as the more visible and tangible imperatives of disaster response. Specifically, this research initiative

  • Reviews the involvement of business in humanitarian programmes, with the support of case studies.
  • Reviews the evolution of corporate social responsibility as a concept and explains where business humanitarian programmes fit in.
  • Explores in more detail the business cases for business involvement in the different areas of humanitarian programmes.
  • Makes the case for a systematic and embedded approach to corporate responsibility and what humanitarian organisations should expect of business engagement in this area.
  • Reviews opportunities, bottlenecks and the difficulty of making a business case and the flexibility required of both private and public sector partners.
  • Makes some recommendations for consideration in future dialogue involving business and humanitarian organisations, including key actors that should be involved in any solutions.


The research was carried out by Maplecroft, lead by Professor Alyson Warhurst, Director of Maplecroft and Professor of Strategy and International Development at Warwick Business School. A number of key organisations active in CSR are contributing to this important initiative, including the World Economic Forum and the International Business Leaders Forum.

Outputs & events

A synthesis of the research findings and conclusions were presented at the 2006 ProVention Forum in Bangkok at a workshop session on 'The business case for disaster prevention'. The research also contributed to a World Economic Forum Workshop on Effective Leadership in Addressing Global Risks at the Davos meeting in January 2006. On 30 August 2006, ProVention hosted a session entitled 'Disaster prevention: a role for business?' at the International Disaster Reduction Conference (IDRC 2006) in collaboration with Maplecroft, the World Economic Forum, UN/ISDR and Munich Re.


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