CRA Toolkit search engine

This search engine allows multiple keyword search on the register of methodologies and compendium of case studies, which were collected and analysed by Cape Town University, Ben Wisner and the ProVention Consortium Secretariat as part of the Tools for Community Risk Assessment and Action Planning project. Additional information about community based disaster risk management and participatory tools can be found here.

To start your search, select one search term in one category of your choice and press 'see results' at the bottom of the search tool. The results will appear below the search box. If you then want to refine your search, select another category and press 'see results' (only possible options will be available for selection in the menus). If you want to start a new search, press 'start a new search'. Be aware that the more search terms you use, the more limited the search findings will be. Key terms, methods and tools are further defined and explained in more detail in the glossary.

Image: Center for Disaster Preparedness

Select your keyword(s)

Type of material [?] :

Geographical focus :

Hazard risk type :

Intended end users :

Scale of assessment :

Sector focus :

Disaster risk assessment methods [?] :

General assessment methods [?] :

Participatory tools [?] :

Technical assessment tools [?] :

NB: [?] provides a direct link with the category concerned in the glossary.

Search results:

  • 0 result found. Please try another search. Do not forget to press 'see results' following each search term you selected.