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Below are a collection of online papers and resources related to monitoring and evaluation and disaster risk reduction activities. Click on the hyperlinks to find out more.
- Active Learning Network for Accountability and Performance in Humanitarian Action (ALNAP) website:
- Beck, T. (2006) Evaluating Humanitarian Action using the OECD-DAC Criteria, ALNAP. Available at
- Feinstein International Center (2008) Participatory Impact Assessment: a Guide for Practitioners. Available at
- IADB, Freeman et al. (2003) Disaster Risk Management: National Systems for the Comprehensive Management of Disaster Risk and Financial Strategies for Natural Disaster Reconstruction. Washington: IADB. Available at:
- ILO (2004) The Manuel of Implementation of Guidelines on Gender Mainstreaming in National Development Planning (as an annex of Circular of Minister of Women Empowerment, no. B-89/Men.PP/Dep.II/IX/2002) Geneva: International Labor Organisation. Available at:
- ISDR/ World Bank (2006) Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery: A Partnership for Mainstreaming Disaster Mitigation in Poverty Reduction Strategies. Geneva: ISDR and New York: World Bank. Available at:
- La Trobe, S. and I. Davis (2005) Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction: A Tool for Development Organisations. Teddington: Tearfund. Available at: and research/Mainstreaming disaster risk reduction.pdf
- Levy, C. (1996) The Process of Institutionalising Gender in Policy and Planning: The ‘Web’ of Institutionalisation. Working Paper No. 74. London, Development Planning Unit, UCL. Available at: papers pdf/wp74.pdf
- Mitchell, T. (2003) An Operational Framework for Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction. Working Paper No.8. London: Benfield Hazard Research Centre.
- Pelling, M. and A. Holloway (2006) Legislation for Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction. Teddington: Tearfund. Available at: and research/DRR legislation.pdf
- ODI HUMANITARIAN POLICY GROUP Approaches to Measuring the Impact of Humanitarian Assistance. Research Framework: - research framework.pdf
- OECD-DAC (1991) Principles for Evaluation of Development Assistance. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Development Assistance Committee, Paris. Available at:
- UNDP and UN/ISDR (2006) Integrating Disaster Risk Reduction into CCA and UNDAF: Guidelines for Integrating Disaster Risk Reduction into CCA/UNDAF. Geneva: United Nations Development Programme and United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction Secretariat. Available at:
- Venton, P and S. La Trobe (2007) Institutional donor progress with mainstreaming disaster risk reduction. Teddington: Tearfund. Available at: and research/DRR donor progress 2007.pdf
- Wamsler, C. (2006) Mainstreaming risk reduction in urban planning and housing: a challenge for international aid organisations. Disasters 13(2), pp. 151-177. Abstract available at:
- WFP Monitoring and Evaluation Guidelines. World Food Programme, Rome. Available at: