- Mainstreaming
- Risk Analysis
- Recovery
- Risk Transfer & Private Sector
- Research & Learning
- Cost benefit analysis
- ProVention Publications
- Partner Libraries & Resources Centres
- Community Risk Assessment Toolkit
- Other resources
- Monitoring & Evaluation
- Characteristics of a Resilient Community
- Climate Change Adaptation
- Videos
Resources Overview |
Addressing critical gaps in disaster risk reduction
Seeking to address critical gaps in reducing the risks of disaster hazards on vulnerable populations, ProVention is committed to building synergies both among ProVention’s own activities and initiatives and also with those of ProVention partners and other organisations. Core to this effort is the collaborative development of key resources – as tools, guides, and even forums for dialogue – as a mechanism for building on past learning to continue to refine and promote good practices in risk reduction.
In prioritising activities within the work programme, ProVention seeks to contribute toward the development of risk reduction resources in three key areas:
- the establishment of a better evidence base for the net benefits of risk reduction measures in order guide policy and decision-making toward more effective risk reduction programming.
- the development of tools to enable participatory assessment and action planning in risk reduction, including in particular tools for effective management and analysis of risk information.
- the creation of networks and other mechanisms to strengthen applied risk reduction research and knowledge sharing capacities, particularly in developing countries, leading to a more effective, action-oriented and user-driven approach to knowledge management.
Resources available on this website
The Resources section of the ProVention website contains specific resource pages for each of the 5 thematic priorities within the ProVention work programme:
as well as- Links to Libraries and Documentation Centres
- ProVention publications
- and a general page for other useful resources.
A Community Risk Assessment (CRA) Toolkit has recently been posted on the ProVention website. The Toolkit's aim is to document and analyse existing hazard, vulnerability and capacity assessment methods and applications in order to improve current CRA practice and inform decision making on risk reduction at the national and sub-national levels. The Toolkit currently contains methodological resources from many different organisations and case studies. Guidance notes have been developed which provides a detailed analysis and brief synthesis of case studies and methodologies. The CRA Toolkit has recently been completed with a search tool, a glossary, and a selection of key links to community based disaster risk management and participation materials.
For each of these resource pages, there is a brief introduction, followed by sections outlining key issues and gaps, resources available on the ProVention website, and other relevant resources.
In addition, these resource pages and other sections of the ProVention also highlight links to related activities of ProVention partners and other organisations in relation to the core ProVention themes and project activities.