Key resources
Partners' newsletters
- Mainstreaming
- Risk Analysis
- Recovery
- Risk Transfer & Private Sector
- Research & Learning
- Cost benefit analysis
- ProVention Publications
- Partner Libraries & Resources Centres
- Community Risk Assessment Toolkit
- Other resources
- Monitoring & Evaluation
- Characteristics of a Resilient Community
- Climate Change Adaptation
- Videos
Links to libraries |
- UN/ISDR Library on disaster risk reduction
- WMO, Library
- CRED, EM-BIB Documentation Center
- CRID virtual documentation centre
- ReliefWeb Humanitarian Library
- Radix
- Eldis Climate Change Adaptation portal
- Shelter Centre's library (resources on transitional settlements and reconstruction)
- UNISDR/UNDP/OCHA Capacity for Disaster Reduction Initiative
- ICIMOD portal - Sharing Knowledge on Disaster Preparedness in the Himalayan Region
- Disaster Risk Reduction Praxis Google Group
Links to partners' and other publications sections
- International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
- Munich Re
- Swiss Re
- Humanitarian Practice Network
- Disaster Research Center, University of Delaware
- Benfield Hazard Research Centre, Resource Centre
- The Disaster Reduction Gateway, an initiative of the Benfield Hazard Research Centre to promote information sharing and co-operation between people with an interest in disaster reduction.
- Asian Disaster Preparedness Center
- PAHO's Disaster Publications Catalog
- Pacific Disaster Center
- Gender and Development Network
- The Sphere Project - Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response