- ProVention publication: Tools for Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction: Guidance Notes for Development Organisations
- Article 'Tools for Analysing Disaster Risk in Designing and Evaluating Projects', Open House International, Managing Urban Disasters (flyer, pdf - 1MB).
Related resources
- Inter-American Development Bank publication:
'Gestion de riesgo de amenazas naturales en proyectos de desarrollo: Lista de preguntas to verificacion'
(checklist) - more resources...
Related Activities
Tools for Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction |
The project has completed its second phase of work to produce guidance notes on adapting existing appraisal tools to take risks emanating from natural hazards into account. Hivos and Circle Indonesia translated the publication into Bahasa Indonesia and launched it on 25 September 2007 in Yogyakarta. The Spanish translation is now also available.
A sourcebook on assessing the impact of risk reduction measures was also developed.
Project goal
To ensure that risks emanating from natural hazards are considered as a matter of course in the design of all development projects in hazard-prone areas, so that appropriate measures are taken to reduce risk and projects do not create new forms of vulnerability. This will result in a more cost-efficient use of resources, together with reduced disaster losses.
Project summary
As the human and financial costs of disasters rise, there are increasing demands for better evidence that mitigation 'pays'. To generate such evidence, appropriate tools are needed to assess the costs and benefits of mitigation, which can take many forms (human, social and environmental as well as financial). However, there is no coherent set of tools for capturing costs and benefits at present.
This project aims to address this gap, by identifying and assessing appropriate tools, giving practical guidance on how to apply them and disseminating this guidance among development decision makers and planners, as well as those involved in implementing and evaluating disaster risk reduction initiatives.
The project began in September 2003 and the second phase was completed in March 2007. The guidance notes are currently being widely disseminated. They also feed into IFI staff training modules.
The project is led by researchers Charlotte Benson and John Twigg. They are supported by an advisory group drawn from donor and operational agencies of different kinds, including ProVention partners, and by a much larger number of expert reviewers.
Outputs & events
Phase 1
Phase 1 consisted of a scoping study which entailed a review of donor and operational agency documentation and procedures to see how risks emanating from natural hazards are currently handled. It was based on an analysis of published and internal documents, supported by interviews with selected agencies and inputs from a large number of professionals worldwide. The resulting report drew a number of conclusions about current practice and made several policy recommendations for improvements. Among the key findings of the study were that:
A scoping study, a synthesis report and a policy brief were launched at the World Conference on Disaster Reduction in Kobe, Japan, in January 2005 and were widely advertised in the development and disaster management communities. Open House International for instance recently published the article 'Tools for Analysing Disaster Risk in Designing and Evaluating Projects' in its edition on Managing Urban Disasters (flyer, pdf - 1BM). |
Phase 2
Phase 2 (January 2005-March 2007) built on the findings of Phase 1, moving from research to the development of practical tools - guidance notes and handbooks - supporting mainstreaming of risk within aid agencies.
The project published a series of 14 guidance notes on adapting existing tools and guidelines used for project appraisal and evaluation, and for developing broader country and sectoral strategies, to take risks emanating from natural hazards into account and analyse related risk reduction opportunities. The series covers the following subjects:
- Introduction
- Collecting and using information on natural hazards
- Poverty reduction strategies
- Country programming
- Project cycle management
- Logical and results based frameworks
- Environmental assessment
- Economic analysis
- Vulnerability and capacity analysis
- Sustainable livelihoods approaches
- Social impact assessment
- Construction design, building standards and site selection
- Evaluating disaster risk reduction initiatives
- Budget support
Full report including all guidance notes in English, Bahasa Indonesia, and Spanish.
Next Steps
A more detailed handbook will be produced on an area of particular importance, monitoring and evaluating the impact of disaster risk reduction measures. This handbook will provide guidance on planning and implementing evaluations, the application and value of different approaches and methods, and choice and validity of different indicators. It will also contain case studies of 'good practice' and case evidence on the net benefits of risk reduction.