- TLC flyer
- Launch of Philippines Training and Learning Circle, December 2007 - workshop report
Related Activities
Training and Learning Circles |
A first TLC meeting with training on mapping and network analysis took place in Manila from 11 to 14 December 2007 in collaboration with the United Nations Capacity for Disaster Reduction Initiative (CADRI) (www.unisdr.org/cadri) and PACT USA (www.pactworld.org/services). The aim of the meeting was to train representatives from the All India Disaster Mitigation Institute, the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (Bangkok) and the Center for Disaster Preparedness (Philippines) as well as a selected number of other actors on a methodology to map key community-based disaster risk management training agencies and networks in South and Southeast Asia. This meeting was followed by the launch of TLC Philippines, which was attended by over 70 participants.
During the period April-June, TLC partners in both countries set up working groups which started "encircling" CBDRM trainers and learners. Also a stocktaking and review of past and current CBDRM training manuals and materials took place. Likewise, AIDMI and CDP have started meetings with universities and training institutions aimed at the development of guidelines for mainstreaming CBDRR into their curricula.
The launch of the TLC in India was held on July 4, 2008, at the India International Center (IIC), New Delhi, India. Nineteen participants from national universities, Administrative Training Institutions (ATIs), National Institute for Disaster Management (NIDM), civil society organizations, and members of the UN family attended the event.
Goal and objectives
The general objective is to set up a CBDRM “Training and Learning Circle”, that will be the core of a support system for trainers and educators on disaster risk reduction in South and Southeast Asia. Specifically, the Training and Learning Circle seeks to:
- Assess the content of current and past training products and programs of TLC partners, which will help to identify crucially needed materials to be produced. This activity will include stock taking (inventory) of current and past training materials. The assessment will also aim at identifying key areas for improvement in the field of training and learning as perceived by the TLC partners.
- Organize and create a circle of selected training practitioners, who will be the main resource for sharing training tools and methodologies and for producing identified training products.
- Produce the identified training products in a participatory and collaborative manner for wider use and practice.
- Promote CBDRM to selected universities, learning centers and training institutes for adoption as one of the regular courses they are offering.
- Facilitate interactive learning mechanisms and exchanges/sharing of experiences, practices, research, concepts, methodologies and tools in training and education for application of people-centred disaster risk reduction.
- Support CBDRM trainers and facilitators by making readily available publications and applicable materials, experiences, technologies and resources.
- Ensure and foster south-south cooperation throughout the TLC activities.
The Special Unit for South-South Cooperation (SU-SSC) in UNDP’s Regional Centre in Bangkok will be in charge of the overall coordination of this activity.
The All India Disaster Mitigation Institute (AIDMI) for South Asia and the Centre for Disaster Preparedness in the Philippines (CDP) for Southeast Asia are the initial focal and lead organizations and partners at the country level The Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) is the regional lead and focal point for organizing regional workshops and in mobilizing experts’ inputs.
The TLC for CBDRM project partners initially will be limited to individual training practitioners, civil society organizations, training institutions, learning centres and universities in Asia. The project will endeavour to also involve and seek advice of existing disaster risk reduction experts and networks as and when suitable.
Furthermore, TLC also aims to link up with other communities of practice and formal and informal networks involved in training, learning and participatory approaches.
The project started in December 2007. Total project duration is 18 months.
Outputs & events
- TLC flyer
- Launch of Philippines Training and Learning Circle, December 2007 - workshop report, CDP webpage.
Next Steps
- Training Products/Programs Assessment: involves desk research to analyze existing and available CBDRM training materials.
- Identification of training gaps and needs, which will be validated by trainers and educators in subsequent forums.
- Inventory of training material: involves listing, describing and posting selected training materials and products on the web to enhance their accessibility.
- Organization of forums in the project countries for selected trainers and learners to discuss needs, identify priority products that will be useful in their specific field of practice. These meetings will also offer opportunities for sharing tools and techniques.
- Organize a Network of CBDRR practitioners, trainers, learners, curriculum developers and facilitators.
- Joint training and learning products identification, drafting, pre testing, finalizing and publication.
- Scoping study to identify universities, training institutes and learning centers with the potential of institutionalizing CBDRR.
- Production of Guidelines on CBDRR institutionalization.
- Organizing a regional workshop for universities, training institutions and learning centers to discuss guidelines and share experiences.
- TLC Web development and maintenance.