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Community Disaster Resilience Fund (CDRF)
The test of the CDRF in India is currently underway in partnership with GROOTS and under the umbrella of the recently established National Alliance for Disaster Risk Reduction (NADRR). The CDRF is a grant-based resource channel to support community-based organizations, local governments, and grassroots organizations to initiate DRR initiatives in their own communities. Notes from the latest planning workshop for the test in India are available at the NADRR website. Read more...
Climate change: Poznan conference
The ProVention Consortium and the broader DRR community will be actively represented at the UN climate change conference (1-12 December 2008) in Poznan, and will help to elevate and shape the climate change adaptation agenda in the context of the post-2012 framework negotiations. Read UN/ISDR's briefing note...
AURAN seminar at World Urban Forum
ProVention and the AURAN partners hosted a seminar at the World Urban Forum in Nanjing, China in November 2008 on 'Addressing Urban risk in Africa: local perspectives'. The session demonstrated that the rapidly growing urban population in Africa has already begun to reshape the geography of disaster risk and scope for reducing that risk. Read more...
International Day of Disaster Reduction: 8 Oct 2008
The film project and a collection of case studies entitled "Local voices, global choices: for successful disaster risk reduction" will be launched by a number of international agencies and their local partner organizations on 8 October 2008 in London.
Monitoring & evaluation workshop
Together with the World Bank and the Council of Europe Development Bank, ProVention organized a two-day workshop on M&E for disaster risk management which took place at the IDRC conference in Davos on August 26-27, 2008. Read more...
ProVention You Tube channel
The channel features over 40 videos on community-based disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation and education. Watch videos...
New web portal: climate change adaptation and DRR
This portal aims at providing an overview of the key websites and resources which relate to the integration efforts between climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction. Read more...
ProVention News - July 2008
Click here to read the latest ProVention newsletter.
Hurricane Dean's Domino Effect
Workshop on catastrophe insurance in Bulgaria, May 27
The World Bank and Bulgarian Government partners held a workshop on May 27, 2008 to present the findings and recommendations from the feasibility study for the establishment of the national catastrophe insurance program in Bulgaria. Read more...
Characteristics of a disaster-resilient community
The ‘Characteristics of a Disaster-resilient Community’ project, which supports processes of community mobilisation and partnership for disaster risk reduction, has a new webpage on the ProVention Consortium’s website.
ProVention Forum 2008
On 8-10 April, ProVention hosted its annual Forum in Panama. Three pre-Forum workshops on climate change adaptation, the role of women and indigenous groups, and a new generation of DRR champions were organized in Trinidad & Tobago, Guatemala and Panama in the lead up to the Forum. Read more...
Climate change adaptation in the Caribbean region workshop
In February 2008, ProVention and IFRC hosted a workshop on Climate Change Adaptation, Development and Disaster Risk Reduction in Trinidad. Read more...
Donor Policy Forum: Oslo, 28-29 February 2008
The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the ProVention Consortium and UNDP organised a Policy Forum on disasters and climate change in Oslo. Read more...
Lessons learned: flood disasters
ProVention and ALNAP have released a lessons paper on flood disasters, drawing on key lessons in the last 20 years from relief and recovery operations in Africa, Asia and the Americas. Read more...
New Resources on the ProVention Website
Two new sections have been developed on this website: a collection of resources on the use of Cost-Benefit Analysis, and a Monitoring & Evaluation sourcebook.
ProVention News - November 2007
Click here to read the latest ProVention newsletter.
Red Cross/Red Crescent Climate Guide
The Red Cross/Red Crescent Climate Guide, which was launched on 20 November at the 16th Session of the General Assembly of the IFRC presents five years of experiences from more than 30 Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies, in particular in developing countries. Download guide [pdf, 5MB]...
Research & Action Grants: 90 projects selected
The ProVention grants programme is designed to engage young students and professionals from developing countries in creating innovative links between research and action in disaster risk reduction. Read more...
Consultant for floods lessons learned paper
ALNAP and ProVention are looking for a consultant to write the next in a series of lessons learned papers, this time on responses to floods. Applications should be sent to by 27 September. Read the terms of reference...
Launch of "Tools for mainstreaming" publication in Indonesian
ProVention is pleased to announce the launch of the Bahasa Indonesia version of "Tools for Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction: Guidance Notes for Development Organisations". The publication was translated by Hivos and Circle Indonesia. Read more...
Consultation on Disaster Risk Reduction and Humanitarian Action in Africa
A PHREE-way meeting was convened on 28-29 August in Johannesburg to discuss opportunities for closer collaboration between institutions of higher learning and nongovernmental organisations in Africa. Read more...
ProVention Website Survey
The ProVention Consortium is conducting a survey to better understand your needs and expectations about this website and other ProVention resources. Please share your thoughts and ideas by completing a brief survey! Take the survey >>
Lessons learned: slow onset disasters and reconstruction
ALNAP and ProVention released lessons learned from slow-onset disasters, looking at drought and food and livelihoods insecurity. ProVention also supported a series of IFRC lessons learned on reconstruction programmes in the Maldives, Sri Lanka, Honduras and Nicaragua. Read more...
New initiatives in the Philippines and Madagascar
The World Bank and ProVention recently launched two new initiatives: a production sector climate risk analysis in the Philippines, and a multi-hazard risk assessment for disaster risk reduction and risk financing in Madagascar.
ProVention News - June 2007
Click here to read the latest ProVention newsletter.
Research & Action Grants for DRR 2007-2008
The ProVention grants programme is designed to engage young students and professionals from developing countries in creating innovative links between research and action in disaster risk reduction. Applicants are invited to seek ways to cut across professional disciplines and sectors. Read more...
Risk transfer solutions
The resource page on risk transfer on this website was recently updated to give a better overview of the range of risk transfer solutions being developed and tried in different contexts. Resources are organised under 5 topics: micro-insurance, traditional hazard insurance, index-based insurance, catastrophe pools and bonds, and risk financing.
Workshop: Strengthening Social Analysis in Rapid Assessment
Evaluations of recent large scale disasters have shown that insufficient attention is often given to the social impacts of disasters – in particular to the needs and priorities identified by the affected communities themselves and to local knowledge, resources and experience. To address this gap, ProVention and the IFRC hosted a preliminary workshop in Panama in January 2007 on the topic of social analysis in rapid assessment. Read more...
ProVention Forum, February 2007, Dar es Salaam - Tanzania
With broad participation from ProVention partners around the world, the 2007 ProVention Forum examined key issues from both a global perspective and a special focus on Africa. Read more...
Regional Forums in Africa
To influence policy dialogue and advance the risk reduction agenda in Africa, ProVention held three forums in Dakar, Johannesburg and Nairobi in November and December 2006. Organised in partnership with ActionAid, ENDA Tiers-Monde and the International Federation, the forums mainly gathered community-based organisations, international NGOs, local government, research and training institutions and the Red Cross/Red Crescent movement. Read more...
ProVention News - December 2006
Click here to read the latest ProVention newsletter.
Natural Disaster Hotspots: case studies and website
Case studies and a Hotspots online mapping application now complement the earlier work of Natural Disaster Hotspots: A Global Risk Analysis published in April 2005. Read the press release...
Risk reduction indicators
ProVention has developed a working paper on risk reduction indicators to support the Tsunami Recovery Impact Assessment and Monitoring System (TRIAMS) programme. TRIAMS is an initiative of the governments of India, Indonesia, the Maldives, Sri Lanka, and Thailand, with support from the IFRC, WHO, and other UN agencies to measure the impact of the recovery efforts in response to the Indian Ocean Tsunami.
"Real Risk" publication
Real Risk offers perspectives, case studies and analysis on disaster risk reduction and mitigation in the light of major natural disasters that have occurred since the publication of Know Risk in early 2005. It includes 10 articles by grantees from the Applied Research Grants programme and two papers on microinsurance resulting from the ProVention-IIASA study and the AIDMI microinsurance scheme in India. Read more...
International Disaster Reduction Conference Davos, Switzerland, August 2006
On August 30th, ProVention hosted a session entitled 'Disaster prevention: a role for business?' and presented its Community Risk Assessment toolkit at a workshop on environmental and social vulnerability. An informal event for ProVention Applied Research Grants Programme stakeholders took place on August 29th. For more information on the conference, check
DPRI-IIASA Forum on Integrated Disaster Risk Management
The Sixth DPRI-IIASA Forum on Integrated Disaster Risk Management took place in Istanbul 13-17 August 2006, focusing this year on Risk and Challenges for Business and Industry. As one part of the forum, Reinhard Mechler and Joanne Linnerooth-Bayer from IIASA presented the results of their ProVention-supported study on microinsurance and the poor. Read more about the Forum...
ProVention Applied Research Grants regional workshop
Young researchers from Africa and the Middle East presented their findings in Johannesburg on July 10th, 2006. Read more...
ProVention News - May 2006
Click here to read the latest ProVention newsletter.
Welcome to ProVention's new website!
This new website provides updated information about ProVention activities and links to useful resources for disaster risk reduction. Please send your feedback and suggestions to the ProVention Secretariat at We look forward to hearing from you!
Community Risk Assessment Toolkit
Visit our updated Community Risk Assessment (CRA) Toolkit! It contains resources and case studies from many organisations, as well as a search tool, a glossary and a selection of key links to community based disaster risk management and participation materials.
Urban risk workshop in Cape Town: 7-9 March 2006
An international workshop on urban disaster risk reduction was hosted by the Disaster Mitigation for Sustainable Livelihoods Programme (DiMP) in Cape Town in March 2006. It brought together urban risk researchers from African institutions, as well as other partners such as local/provincial government, the International Federation of Red Cross & Red Crescent Societies, and Northern academics.
For more information about the AURAN project, click here.
ProVention Forum: Bangkok, 2-3 February 2006
During the ProVention Forum 2006 in February in Bangkok, over 90 participants contributed actively to sessions around the central theme of 'Incentives for Reducing Risk' and examined a range of inter-related topics concerning risk, vulnerability and natural disasters. Read more about the ProVention Forum 2006.
Launch of Global Risk Identification Programme (GRIP)
Building on previous collaborative efforts to coordinate activities to promote systematic improvement and application of risk information, GRIP is a new programme to create an inter-institutional framework for assessing, identifying and analysing information on disaster risks and losses.
For more information on the GRIP initiative, click here.
Viewpoint: Invest to prevent disaster
A viewpoint on the potential benefits and limitations of micro-insurance as a risk transfer mechanism for developing countries was published by IIASA & the ProVention Consortium for the International Day for Disaster Reduction on 12 October 2005.
Read the viewpoint or more on the International Day for Disaster Reduction, 12 October 2005.
Applied Research Grants Award Announcement - August 05
The ProVention Consortium is pleased to announce that out of the 264 proposals received from over 60 countries, 52 projects worldwide have been selected for funding under the ProVention Consortium's programme for Applied Grants for Disaster Risk Reduction in 2005-06.
Read more on the Applied Research Grants Programme.
Community Risk Assessment workshop: Cape Town, 31 May - 2 June 2005
On May 31st - June 2nd, 2005, an International Workshop on Community Risk Assessment was held in Cape Town, South Africa. The aim of the workshop was to critically discuss the strategic use of community risk assessment and share experiences on community risk assessment among forty-five delegates from Africa, Asia, Europe, Pacific, Caribbean and Americas.
For more information on the ProVention CRA initiative, click here.